Any child identified as needing additional support or with an identified SEND at Artemis, have a Setting Based Support Plan (SBSP). These are created in partnership with the parents, Key Person and the SENCO.
We currently have four Level 3 qualified SENCOs in our nurseries. The SENCOs attend Inclusion Support groups throughout the year to ensure their knowledge remains up to date and relevant.
A Setting Based Support Plan can help identify the need to refer to additional services. This not only offers support but provides great expert advice for us as a setting on the best strategies to use to ensure continued learning and progress is met. As a parent, you are completely involved in any referral, and it is your decision if this is the path you are wanting for your child.
We have built strong working relationships with a wide range of professionals and services such as Speech and Language Therapists, Health Visiting teams, Educational Psychologists, Early Years Emotional and Behavioural Intervention team (EBIS), Specialist Early Years Advisors, Occupational Therapists and Sight and Hearing Impairment Services.
We know how to contact the appropriate service, and can obtain advice when we need to.
These professionals also visit our setting to advise our staff and share their specialist knowledge and experiences.
Emma Buggy (Nursery Director) has a wealth of knowledge, having worked in Early years for 26 years, initially as a Nursery Teacher and then for the Education Department developing the integrated Children’s Centres across the borough of Wandsworth before opening Artemis in 2007.
Emma holds the following qualifications:-
Degree in Early Childhood Studies
Degree in Early Years Education
Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS)
Level 3 SENCO training
Designated Safeguarding Lead training